KetoKrate Photo & Video

KetoKrate Photo & Video

KetoKrate Photo & Video




In the summer of 2022, I styled and photographed a summer shoot for KetoKrate. It was a scorching day, so we also decided to create some content based on a popsicle recipe for the blog. A few weeks later, KetoKrate also went to KetoCon 2022 and documented the weekend. I filmed all footage and put together the recap video. Prior to these projects, I had done light video editing, no photography, and hardly any motion graphics. While my passion will always be letters, these projects were excellent learning experiences, and I'm happy with how colorful and fun they turned out.

In the summer of 2022, I styled and photographed a summer shoot for KetoKrate. It was a scorching day, so we also decided to create some content based on a popsicle recipe for the blog. A few weeks later, KetoKrate also went to KetoCon 2022 and documented the weekend. I filmed all footage and put together the recap video. Prior to these projects, I had done light video editing, no photography, and hardly any motion graphics. While my passion will always be letters, these projects were excellent learning experiences, and I'm happy with how colorful and fun they turned out.





All work © Kim Taylor 2023 unless otherwise noted.

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All work © Kim Taylor unless otherwise noted.

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All work © Kim Taylor unless otherwise noted.

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