This passion project arose when I sought out a random prompt generator for designers, trying to get the creative juices flowing:
Being Coffee Roasters is a small coffee roaster looking to expand its local roasting operation, becoming an eCommerce and retail distributor while expanding its line of roasts. First, the brand needs a refresh and some new packaging.
The alien interpretation of the word ‘Being’ lent itself to a playful yet clean concept, flexible enough to cover a variety of applications and grow as the company does. While I initially thought this would be a warmup, over a few. months I ended up coming back to it and flushing out the idea as a full brand.
A problem facing many small roasters is custom packaging for every new roast, often resulting in the same bag for every coffee with a unique label on top. Such homogenous designs are not only bland but result in more mistakes in distribution and hinder brand recognition.
Being’s new packaging needed to feel cohesive but clearly distinguish between roasts at a glance. Liberal use of the vibrant brand palette creates instant recognition for each roast—for employees and customers alike.