Personal Brand

Personal Brand


Most designers will tell you that creating a personal brand is never easy. For me, developing a visual identity that truly reflects who I am was a revealing process, as I realized that much of my identity had been shaped by the people around me. Having a strong community isn't a bad thing, of course, but I had to come to terms with the fact that I was often trying to be everyone's friend.

I often spread myself too thin, never saying no to people I cared about (which was typically…everyone). Beyond that, personal events surrounding the season of this project also made it an emotional experience. In the end, I settled on a design that genuinely feels like me – and no one else.

The sparrow that is my logo mark alludes first and foremost to the hymn, "His Eye Is On The Sparrow" and its Biblical reference, Matthew 10:29-31, which declares that the very hairs of my head are all numbered by God.

The bird faces one direction, but its head is turned the other way; I have a tendency to look back at my past as I move forward, dwelling on memories good and bad. Lastly, sparrows are incredibly social, but aggressively defend their family and nests—a reminder that I can nurture a broad community while prioritizing the health of my closest relationships.

In the wordmark, I wanted to incorporate typographic details that are both playful and clean. I also knew that since I stacked my name in the primary logo, I would want a more linear solution for spaces that require it, such as the navigation bar at the top of this page. I included one ligature in each that both play off of the K and somewhat mirror one another.

To build on the forms found in the sparrow, I created a pattern (for limited use, as it can be a bit visually intense). From the same shapes, I developed an icon collection representing some of my favorite things, paired with an exploration in motion graphics, shown above. The challenge of using only three shapes from the sparrow paid off with a satisfying result. My "Favorite Things" icon series highlights the diverse range of things that bring me joy and shape who I am.

Utilizing the forms found in the sparrow, developed an icon collection representing my favorite items – an endeavor in motion visuals that presented a challenging learning journey but a gratifying payoff. To me, this highlights the diverse pleasures one individual can delight in.

I also created a design (for limited use, as it may be a bit straining to the eyes!)

All work © Kim Taylor 2024 unless otherwise noted.

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All work © Kim Taylor 2024 unless otherwise noted.

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All work © Kim Taylor unless otherwise noted.

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