Most designers will tell you that creating a personal brand is never easy. For me, developing a visual identity that truly reflects who I am was a revealing process, as I realized that much of my identity had been shaped by the people around me. Having a strong community isn't a bad thing, of course, but I had to come to terms with the fact that I was often trying to be everyone's friend.
I often spread myself too thin, never saying no to people I cared about (which was typically…everyone). Beyond that, personal events surrounding the season of this project also made it an emotional experience. In the end, I settled on a design that genuinely feels like me – and no one else.
The sparrow that is my logo mark alludes first and foremost to the hymn, "His Eye Is On The Sparrow" and its Biblical reference, Matthew 10:29-31, which declares that the very hairs of my head are all numbered by God.
The bird faces one direction, but its head is turned the other way; I have a tendency to look back at my past as I move forward, dwelling on memories good and bad. Lastly, sparrows are incredibly social, but aggressively defend their family and nests—a reminder that I can nurture a broad community while prioritizing the health of my closest relationships.
In the wordmark, I wanted to incorporate typographic details that are both playful and clean. I also knew that since I stacked my name in the primary logo, I would want a more linear solution for spaces that require it, such as the navigation bar at the top of this page. I included one ligature in each that both play off of the K and somewhat mirror one another.